Friday, May 6, 2011

Training and Development


1. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.'

2. Training refers to the methods used to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs.'

3. Training refers to any process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased.'


Training is essential in organisations because of the following reasons:

1. To increase employees' performance on their current assignment.

2. To prevent industrial accidents. Through training workers know the right way of doing the job and how to handle the machines. Thus it increases safety measures taken by workers and reducing the chances of accidents.

3. To prevent manpower obsolescence. Due to technological changes and competition, workers are required to update and well-equip themselves with the latest ways of job performance. So, training helps them in learning the new methods

4. To increase employee morale. A well-trained employee will take interest in his work and derives satisfaction from his job. This raises his morale to perform vell in future.

5. To reduce wastage. An untrained person will waste the costlier raw material, damage machines and even cause accidents. With the help of training, workers come to know what is the right way of using the material, what is the right way of operating and handling the machine, etc.

6. A trained person needs less supervision as compared to an untrained person. A trained person can take routine decisions by himself and is most disciplined. Training helps to make employee independent and more responsible towards the job.

7. To enhance employee's adjustment with the latest changes at work place. For instance, technological developments require new approach towards work. it is only through training that a worker can easily learn new work techniques. A little bit of computer training is required these days in almost every field like banks, railways, etc. to adjust to new ways of doing work.

8. To reduce absenteeism and turnover. A trained worker takes full interest in his job thus derives job satisfaction. A satisfied worker will be regular and thinks less to quit.

9. To fill the vacancies when need arises. An organisation by imparting training makes a ready pool of trained candidates available with it. Whenever there is vacancy at higher level so it will take less time and effort to promote a trained person.

10. Lastly, training is also essential for the overall growth of workers. Management development programmes seem to give participants a wider awareness, an enlarged skill and enlightened altruistic philosophy and make enhanced personal growth possible.' Also, with the help of training, employees acquire knowledge and skills, this increases their market value and earning power.


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